
The goal of Maiven is to turn home residents into energy audit experts.

Brand Strategy
Visual Identity
Product Design
Web Design

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How do you sell an app without a dev team?


Maiven's founder, an industry expert fueled by a deep passion for the energy sector, had a bold product idea but needed help transforming that vision into something tangible and useful for finding partners and capital.


We developed a Minimum Lovable Brand (MLB)—a concept that goes beyond a basic MVP by focusing on creating an emotional connection with users early on. Alongside this, we crafted a series of high-fidelity prototypes and marketing materials that vividly illustrated the product's potential. This approach allowed us to communicate the product's value, test its appeal, and sell the vision effectively, all before investing significant time and resources into full-scale development and coding. By doing so, we minimized risk and maximized early engagement, ensuring the concept resonated with the target audience from the start.